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Expense Recording in 11R2

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  • Expense Recording in 11R2

    Since the time & expense entries have been separated in 11R2; I cannot find a way to enter non-service related expenses; i.e., mileage & meals for sales personnel? I do not want to be forced into having them work from service orders/tickets. Am I missing something?

    I thought time/expense entry was supposed to be simplified with this new release. I have to say, my staff is finding it far more difficult and cumbersome. Expense entry should have remained tied to the time entry, IMO.
    Deborah Stuckey
    LANformation, Inc.

  • #2

    I see what you mean. Tickets have been pretty overhauled while entering time logs/slips against in against some of the other critical areas is either not there or under-developed. If there are multiple time logs from different people all charged to a ticket it does seem to me to be cleaner to handle it at the ticket level but in case of sales there isn't really a vehicle to record it against.

    How do you currently track the time/money put into a particular sale today?
    Here is our method:
    Since I want to see what the total cost of doing business is per job, today we throw everything in a service order including the sales portions (and relate it to an opportunity via mutual calendar task). Our basic workflow anyways is to write in the notes then turn all calendarized tasks into time logs (thus keeping the logs and group/individual calendars in sync with check and balance and preserving the same comments in both) and complete the task at the point it is being turned into a time log.
    For the sales function the opportunity is the primary command center, the task is what is used to track time, but for now a complementing SO needs to be opened in order to complete the cycle
    and allow the task to be turned into a time log and hold expenses. I am still trying to come up with a way to automate this a little more... maybe if an SO template was able to not only make
    the calendar task time place holder but also create and associate an opportunity (say if we select type of SO = New Opportunity) that would be nifty but by that time hopefully there will be quote/opportunity templates or more likely the quote/opportunities sections will be fleshed out to allow time lodged against them. Expenses seem like the next logical step.

    What do you think about a click through link or even tab under quotes/opportunities that could be used to tie non-service related expenses ala the same function in the service orders?
    Clifton Steele


    • #3
      Clifton, Thanks for the input. How do you prevent customers from receiving "New Ticket" Alerts and from viewing the Opportunity-related Service Tickets on the client portal? This is what would prevent me from following a similar process.

      As for your suggestion re a click through link or even tab under quotes/opportunities -- that would be a partial solution; however, it doesn't help with the mileage for administrative tasks; i.e., bank deposits, shipping packages, etc. that we reimburse employees for when they use their own vehicle.
      Deborah Stuckey
      LANformation, Inc.


      • #4
        Hello all. Checking to see if there is an easier way...


        • #5
          Ginger, did you come up with anything?


          • #6
            I would like to see the Expense Entry incorporated into the Time Entry fields somehow. We have our techs enter all time associated with a SO, including travel. While I'm glad to finally see the mileage entry available in R2, it's cumbersome to enter that information into two different screens. If it was part of the Time Entry screen, we could then enter mileage or travel for the source My Company - General Time Entry, which would solve the problem originally posted here.


            • #7
              Still waiting for a reply from Development. I want to make sure we don't miss anything.


              • #8
                Thanks for sharing your thoughts. This was actually talked about in the stakeholder's meeting today and is on our list as a request.


                • #9
                  Any update on allowing non-service expenses entered in conjunction with time slips?
                  Deborah Stuckey
                  LANformation, Inc.


                  • #10

                    As we choose enhancements for each release the developers prioritize based on the scope of impact and the number of requests. Currently, this particular enhancement is not in the queue for development for Tigerpaw 12 R2 or Tigerpaw 13.

                    Thank you,

                    Jen Bischoff
                    Marketing and Social Media Coordinator


                    • #11
                      This would be a HUGE benefit to our company! We are trying very hard to move to tigerpaw mobile with paperless payroll but in order to do that we have to be able to log expenses that are not associated to a Service Order. For instance fuel does not go against a Service Order but I do still need to reimburse them for it. I have seen a couple different posts on this topic and would love for this to be added to a future update! Thanks.

