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Mobile App Improvements

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  • Mobile App Improvements

    I have a couple but I don't want to start a thread for each. Hopefully any votes could cover them all

    1) Viewing Agenda items - on the initial release of TPM, when you clicked on an agenda item from the list view, regardless of if it was scheduled at a particular time, it would bring you to the Agenda Item where you could start your timers. On the current release, if a task does not have a time, you have to click the agenda item which takes you to the task, then you have to set a Start AND End time, save it, go back to the Agenda list, click the agenda item again and then start the timers. That's very inefficient.

    Suggestion: Have the agenda items from the list view go to the agenda item and clicking a Start timer button (travel or work) would automatically update the associated task and fill in the Start Time. Also, completing an agenda item would update the End Time on the task.

    2) Completing Agenda items - The "Complete" button on an agenda item has become essentially non-functional for us. Because of the statuses that we use and how we use them, our techs are only allowed (administratively not programatically) to change a status if it is in an "Assigned" status. Clicking the Complete button will change the status no matter what so our techs are having to go into the Service Order Details and adjust the Status from there if needed. Again, its added steps that affects efficiency.

    Suggestion: The Complete button does not affect the status of the ticket, only the Agenda item. Clicking complete would open the Time Entry dialog where a tech can enter their time and choose the Time Log Reason (as it does now), but also give the option to see the current Status and change it if they need to. Much like a time entry in the Web Portal. Also, again, completing an agenda item would then update the End Time on the task and complete the task.