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2019 Accounting Master Class

Sub-Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Session 1: Data Procurement
In this 2-hour session, users will learn and practice how to procure data from QuickBooks and properly import that information into the Tigerpaw Business Suite.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
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Session 2: Accounting and Price Book Configuration
This 2-hour session will continue from the previous session. With the data now in Tigerpaw, users will learn the basic configuration necessary to ensure a successful integration.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
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Session 3: Finalize Settings and Testing the Accounting Integration
In this 2-hour session, users will learn how to finalize accounting settings and set up test environments to test their integration. The discussion includes verifying the QuickBooks and Tigerpaw settings are correct and best practices to test the integration.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
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Session 4: Handling Batch Issues and Maintaining the Integration
In the final 2-hour session, users will learn about common integration issues and how to fix them. Trainers will address any additional issues that occurred during user testing in the test environments. The final topic will cover maintaining the integration.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
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